Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - Review
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a prequel to Wolfenstein the Order. It follows series veteran and war weary hero B.J. Blazkowicz as he tries to find the location of Deathshead. The game comes in two parts .
It starts with the Den of Wolves where you and a fellow agent have to infiltrate the namesakes Castle Wolfenstein, but after a horrible turn of events where BJ pretends to be a hot-dog you and your fellow agent are captured by the Den of Wolves antagonist Rudi Jager, a rather unpleasant character who likes to feed prisoners to his pet dogs. This is where the game becomes more like the original and gets a whole Escape from Castle Wolfenstein vibe. The prison is filled with Nazi soldiers and many other horrors such as the Ubersoldat and modified German Shepard dogs that are more than willing to tear your throat out.
After you eventually escape the castle and put a stop to the terrible Rudi Jager and his favourite dog you have to track down Nazi Archaeologist Helga Von Schabbs who likes fine wines and digging up potentially world ending artefacts. But shortly after running in to her it turns out that maybe she shouldn’t of been so keen to dig up those ancient and deadly artefacts as the town of Wolfburg soon becomes over run with zombies and not just the regular walking dead variety zombies, but supernatural Nazi zombies!
I love the old school shooters with health packs and meaningful single player campaigns, and getting to fight Nazis may of been overused in the past but some how feels refreshing. Along with the ability to carry a shed load of guns.
There are a few areas where you're sneaking around and you're killing guards and no one seems to notice that their colleague is lying on the floor covered in blood. This breaks the illusion of being a seasoned soldier and almost takes you out of the game.
This game had me totally engrossed and reminded me why I loved FPS’s on the PC back in the day.
This is a game for anyone who loves the old school shooters, finding health packs and carrying a shit tonne of guns.
I’d pay about £20 for this game and amazingly it retails at £15 which gives it great value for money.
This game gets a full 5 out of 5 given the quality of the game with the length and the price this is for anyone who wants a satisfying and old school shooter.
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